Monday, January 23, 2012

oi oi

Hello all,
Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. We here in AB, celebrated Grandma's birthday and discussed how old we wanted to live too...maybe 100 is too old. We also ate plenty of's to a cleaner week! Brandon swam over 800m (he says he miscounted so it had to be over ;) ), and I swam 800, Kim did quite a few hundred too, was it 500? Everyone seems to be doing so great so far, it helps that we can all cheer each other on.

Here is a link to a guys site where he talks about iphone/ipod apps that have helped him, might be interesting.


and here's a little something funny to start the week off. It's called Mormon on Drugs, love it.

rock on.


  1. Haha. I nearly died laughing at that video. Sheldon let me go to the gym when he got home from work even though both the kids were awake and cranky. What a good hubby. Also, I’m now vegan ‘til 5 pm. Today was the first day and I already feel better; crazy. Wish me luck kicking my dairy addiction.

  2. I have been running or swimming daily, moslt running. I swim once a week. Also today is day 24 of no sugar or dairy. I feel so great! I love feeling healthy!

    1. No SUGAR?!? Now that's an accomplishment. I don't even think I can find anything in my house without sugar. I would starve. Way to go, girl.
